March 22, 2023

Is Your Agency Just A Bloke In His Pants?

Is Your Agency Just A Bloke In His Pants?

Some agencies aren't, well, agencies. They are a man or woman sitting in their pants offshoring work to a low-cost economy while charging you top dollar. If they are and it works, does it matter? In this episode of the show, Alex and both Dave's...

Leveraging low-cost economies is fine. But what if your agency does this without your knowledge? is that fine?

You may not care so long as you're getting the results you need, but perhaps it isn't ethical for one-man bands to claim they are bona fide businesses when they're not. In this episode, we're not judging wannabe agency owners who are winging it; we're simply discussing the subject and sprinkling in some examples of how we've helped businesses unpick the mess left by here today gone tomorrow digital "agencies".